Was writing up some ideas. I want to make my TFI stronger, plus I need to add another one, so here's what I wrote on my spiral. I've also thought of more ideas to brainstorm for an update TFI. General Ideas (problems): Irony -It’s everywhere -People don’t get it Puns -It’s everywhere; especially the bad ones -Saturation -Everyone uses it Sarcasm -Most people don’t get it -It can come off as mean -Is there nice sarcasm??? CBD -Over saturation yet: -Not accessible to many -No Delivery service in San Antonio, TX -Not easily available products (odd ones) Packaging -Oversaturation -Hard to find jobs in this -Sometimes too wasteful Elderly Pup Care -Not enough education about this -Not enough products for elderly pups (diaper alternatives) More Creative Writing Classes -W/O will make students board and uninspired -Will decrease critical thinking skills/researching skills for real world Essential Oils/Herbs -bad rep -not used enough ...