Week 7_Focus Group Insight/ Audience
Come up with at least four to six insights from talking to your focus group. Choose a representative quote to illustrate each insight. Quote 1: “Mine is some kind of mens vitamins.”-Michael, age 49 “Multi-vitamins, supplements…” -Melissa, age 33, “Womens multi-vitamins,” -Michelle, age 29, “Gummy multi.” -Marco, age 36 Insight 1: Make it easy for people to take CBD regularly, like a daily multi-vitamin to help with their ailments while also encouraging continuous buying habits. Quote 2: “I use lavender oil for stress...tumeric tea; helps with pain.” -Marco, age 36 “I like hibiscus tea...I do prefer more natural.” -Michelle, age 29 “When I feel like I’m getting sick...I do that pepper, tumeric...cinnamon...nutmeg...it’s an immunity paste.” -Melissa, age 33 Insight 2: People are moving more towards holistic methods to treat health problems. Perhaps providing more holistic information about CBD oil to those who are looking for all-natural remedies can bring in mo...