Week 7_Focus Group Insight/ Audience

Come up with at least four to six insights from talking to your focus group. Choose a representative quote to illustrate each insight.

Quote 1:
“Mine is some kind of mens vitamins.”-Michael, age 49 “Multi-vitamins, supplements…” -Melissa, age 33, “Womens multi-vitamins,” -Michelle, age 29, “Gummy multi.” -Marco, age 36

Insight 1: 
Make it easy for people to take CBD regularly, like a daily multi-vitamin to help with their ailments while also encouraging continuous buying habits.

Quote 2:
“I use lavender oil for stress...tumeric tea; helps with pain.” -Marco, age 36
“I like hibiscus tea...I do prefer more natural.” -Michelle, age 29

“When I feel like I’m getting sick...I do that pepper, tumeric...cinnamon...nutmeg...it’s an immunity paste.” -Melissa, age 33

Insight 2:

People are moving more towards holistic methods to treat health problems. Perhaps providing more holistic information about CBD oil to those who are looking for all-natural remedies can bring in more customers.

Quote 3:
“I am very brand loyal...because I know they are high quality...certified nutrition approve.”
“People try to sell you stuff that isn’t real, it just want to label it CBD without the ingredients just so they can pick-up on the trend...the [real CBD] percentage isn’t worth it.” -Marco

Insight 3:
Part of brand loyalty involves having a legitimate brand the provides high quality products. Ways to express this could be through messaging (like marketing) or product claims. What would make my product more legitimate than those selling at a gas station?

Quote 4:
“It has to be worked in my budget, that’s why it helps working jobs on the side to pay for it.” -Melissa
“It’s not covered by insurance.” -Marco
“My bottle is 149 dollars.”-Melissa
“It’s like a phone bill.” -Michelle.

Insight 4:
Price is a big issue when it comes to CBD and having more continuous customers. I should find more info about pricing and what is the relationship between price and quality. Where would my product(s) fit in with pricing?

Quote 5:
“I prefer chocolate over gummies.” -Melissa
They should make [CBD] in recess, that would be cool.”-Marco

Insight 5:
Perhaps narrowing down my CBD edible products more, besides eliminating gummy bears, is another option to look into for my project. I should see what specific sweet product is popular in the area.


After you have found four to six insights, refine your audience statement to create a final definition of the audience(s) and any stakeholders for the project.

Primary Audience: 
People who may not have the most need of CBD edible products, but have the potential to be interested in using said products.

Secondary Audience:

People who have the most need for more variety of CBD edible products but in different ways. Some want to try it, but never have while others have, but haven’t found any edibles they liked. 


Third-party CBD edible sellers and various Texas-branded Franchised stores like H.E.B groceries, so they can sell products in their store. Also, those who currently make CBD and pharmacies/drug suppliers.


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