Thesis 3: Module 9

This week was pretty hectic, but fortunately I found out my desktop is fixed and all my files were saved. I'm hoping once I get it and have everything updated, I'll be able to have a more robust Process Book. I have started with drawing illustrations to represent the user testers, to keep with the brand's illustrative style.

For this week, I worked on mocking up my packaging deliverables, the thesis video, and PDF presentation. I'm still having sizing issues with the video. I made all my frames "fit to frame," but there isn't equal negative space.

Speaking of sizing, I resized my final presentation but when putting the mock-ups in there's a lot of space and some pages have mixed-match background colors so I hope to fix it for next time. Since I'll have my files back, I'll be able to edit/resize the mocks.

For social media I created more gifs, and another thing I plan to accomplish next week is to figure out the best way to have gif/video mocks of the social media ads. I did the app mock in photoshop, but I wonder if XD would be better for social media. I might give it a try this week.


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