Thesis Concept 1: Module 1

Module 1
I came up with the keywords by looking at images and pins I've saved and seeing what words describe them. Inspired by papel picado, I liked "Detailed" from last semester since I wanted to create something with high-quality, to appeal to an older audience (around 30 years old), and I think having a great attention to detail will achieve that. I also edited "bold" from last semester to "contrasting" since I believe that connects to the San Antonio vibe more and gives more room for design since contrasting can relate to color and mixed-media materials. For "dreamy," I wanted to be related to CBD product itself since it's a medicinal quality that  has a calming effect.These three keywords are intertwine with each other; providing an opportunity to create a more seamless design. 

In this process, I realized how more ornate I'm wanting for the brand and deliverables. Last semester, I was looking at a more informal bold, possibly street look, but I think it might be too "young" for my audience. Plus, I'm trying to create something to deter children away since the product is candy. 


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