Thesis 2: Module 2

This week, I conducted a survey via Survey Monkey to see what flavors my focus

group were into the questions were as follow: 

1) Age?

2) What sweet foods do you associate with San Antonio?

3) What savory/salty foods do you associate with San Antonio?

4) What “trendy” flavors do you see in today’s candy/sweets market?

5) What sweet treats do you tend to indulge in?

Unfortunately, I only got two results, but they were helpful in
my research regardless. I decided to focus on a mix between Mexican flavors, trendy flavors, and "normal" flavors. The list is still large, but I might as the focus group again about it. 

I also updated the logo. I think it's almost there, but definitely an improvement when it comes to readability. 

The website app got updated a bit as well, but I will probably make more progress once flavors are finalize and I work on the brand's copy/voice in Module 3. I mainly focused on the "smokey" shape and how it could be re-worked to fit the app better. I did one where the smoke was coming out of a shape (event page) and another where the shape was a solid lighter color in the back (empty cart page)
With the star speckled pattern, I decided to try-out more scattered clusters rather than sporadic. 


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