Thesis 2: Module 3

This week, I created a new survey for my packaging design (Deliverable 4) and distributed it to various designer groups. I also sent more "flavors" surveys to people.

With the packaging survey, I found a couple of good points such as how CBD information is highly important in both communication content and visualization. Color seems to be a big component to attract people to look at a product which I find interesting. I'm hoping to get more results before starting on sketching packaging ideas. 

This week I also worked on typography and color palettes for Deliverable 1, which includes a few branding/business deliverables. I used the postcard and rewards card to test type and colors. I think the Prospectus Pro (many weights) font works well for the headers and Gotham for body copy. As for color palettes, I think the warmer color experimentations were quite intriguing but I think a balance of warm/cool colors are the strongest color schemes. 


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