Thesis 2: Module 5

This week I refined my visual system and the visual guideline. I also briefly worked on packaging sketches. I do think that sketching a few ideas did help me visualize how much information I need to gather for my products; so that is something I'm going to be gathering such as labels (organic, recyclable, barcode) and detailed copy like ingredients list and Nutrition Facts. I did some research on CBD isolate in standard edibles and placed the milligrams on my flavors list. 

For my deliverables, I want to have a user testing session with my focus group from last semester. I plan to send them the link to my app and also send them a video of me using it just in case the app isn't compatible for them (this happened last time).  I think this method will work because it will give me perspective on users who are familiar with my project and the app from last semester. 

I might do another survey with my graphic design peers to test out certain areas of the app or to get opinion on certain pages. I think this will help me get outside perspective from fellow designers.

What I learned during this process is how much goes into the fine details of packaging and how my visual system may need to be expanded on further to convey the flavors of each product. It also makes me think of how I am going to show cohesion between each flavor and each type of product (bars, truffles, cocoa). Not to mention the transparency I want to have displaying CBD information and how that will look on the packaging and app.

Thesis Statement: Cannabidiol (CBD) is made from the non-psychoactive part of cannabis with. People use CBD as an “all-natural” remedy for common ailments such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, nausea, inflammation, pain, seizures and more. “Edibles” are the most popular form of consumption taken due to flavor and convenience. However, the CBD market in San Antonio Texas, is largely neglected and afflicted by the lack of access to new products and retail outlets. I plan to use design to create opportunities for new products and increase access to CBD edibles in Texas.


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