Thesis 2: Module 9

This week I did updates on my business system and packaging. Also, I did my User Testing with my focus group which comprises of 3 people who are San Antonians in my target demographic. What is helpful is that they all have had experiences with CBD and one of them is a Pagan so it was interesting getting all their insight. 

Overall, the group liked my visual system and appreciate the subtle Texas/spiritual design. They said it was calming, something CBD also attributes to, which I didn't intend to do, but it was interesting to hear.
There's a few imagery symbols that I designed that are unknowingly "Texas."Another aspect, which a user pointed out was the stars and how the stars not only represent a spiritual/witchy vibe, but how it represents Texas and the famous lyric from the song "Deep in the Heart of Texas" where they say "the stars at night are big and bright."

I asked about the packaging, and they seemed to like the one where the logo is prominent and the important information is in the front. They said they like to know upfront what they are buying. I noticed this with my packaging survey I did a few weeks back, designers stated CBD packaging should communicate information well and that there should be a balance of information that is readable but not overwhelming. 

It made me excited to test our finishes in the future such as accents like metallics, embossing, UV light, glow in the dark, foil, gloss, and others, but I rather work on the packaging layout/design a bit more before reaching that step.

I plan to work on continuously working on packaging this week; perhaps doing another survey module 10 or 11 to get updated advice.

I don't really promote myself much as a designer. Aside from Instagram, which I seldom use, I stay away from social media. My Instagram is designer focused and I do post small tid-bits about my thesis, but nothing prominent yet. I probably could draw more social media traffic if I posted regularly on Instagram and if I had more engagement. 

The most interesting thing I have learned this module is how important it is to get outside feedback for your work. Sometimes you get insights to your project you weren't aware of and it's interesting to hear what people say outside of design. It wasn't so much that this is a new concept, but more the fact that with my user testing, I learned new insights about how my visual system looks to others. 

Cannabidiol Confections

Cannabidiol (CBD) is made from the non-psychoactive part of cannabis with. People use CBD as an “all-natural” remedy for common ailments such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, nausea, inflammation, pain, seizures and more. “Edibles” are the most popular form of consumption taken due to flavor and convenience. However, the CBD market in San Antonio Texas, is largely neglected and afflicted by the lack of access to new products and retail outlets. I plan to use design to create opportunities for new products and increase access to CBD edibles in Texas.


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