Thesis 2: Module 14

This week is when everything is due for the semester. 

According to my contract, I said I was going to complete the following: 
  • Deliverable 4: Packaging System (4 points)

    • 3 different types of packaging design mediums each containing many flavors

      • Bar (candy) wrapper

      • Boxed Candy (for truffles)

      • Jar/tin container (for powder mix)

    • Subscription/Mailer Box

    • Gift Box for specialty/limited edition items.

  • User test and complete Deliverable 3 (this is your interactive deliverable) and describe this deliverable in detail. • User test packaging system to focus group. • Visual system guidelines • Draft of the thesis process book

I completed all of the above, but I am aware there are still things to edit and go into depth with. The only deliverable that is slightly different is the Gift Box. I didn't mention it before, but I was going to do a full-size pack of the bars, but ended up doing a "Mini Deck" version of the gift set of the current chocolate bar line; not limited edition. Although, I do wonder if I should add a single "mini" chocolate bar that is limited edition into the gift set; making it 8 bars instead of 7.

What I need to do before the next class, during the break, is to focus on copy elements. I want to incorporate the Mexican influence with Texas vernacular, but balanced in a classy way. Something like "Hola, Ya'll!" seems too casual for this luxury CBD brand, but at the same time I don't want the brand to be too serious. It's something I need to work on and perhaps get perspective on. I also want to work on exploring Adobe Dimension and Adobe Aero more and trying to figure out how to turn my 2D mocks into 3D samples to view on Aero. I also need to work on my process book since it's in a draft mode right now and I need to think of a way to organize it better. Although it's interesting to see the journey week to week, I think it's perhaps easier to follow if it was organized by deliverable (visual system, packaging, etc.).


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