Thesis 3: Module 5

This week was pretty hectic getting ready for my user testing sessions. I had a few different instances of user testers one in person, one virtually, and one survey. In total I have 8 responses/user testers from this past week. In module 6, I'll incorporate what I learned from their responses into my deliverables. 
A couple of insights I remembered from the week is to have more of a buying incentive. For the app, this includes a coupon or deal for newcomers to buy the product. The packaging, will have more of a take-away gift, like how the bars packaging have the illustration wrapper; but instead I'll change to a perforated card. I also became aware of being more transparent in my packaging as far as the differences between each type of CBD and to make the packaging more sustainable. The CBD store owner suggested conveying the product is made of seed paper so it's biodegradable and can have a new life as a flower/plant.  

I learned a lot in my user testing, but I know there's still much to do and I hope to keep moving forward. 

Updated App link:

Process Journal:
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