Thesis 3: Module 7

My visual system has evolved to become more detailed, which is part of my keywords. One detailed aspect are the illustration elements. With my user testing, the feedback was overall positive with the visual system and especially the illustrations on the bars packaging. I was told to spread the flavor illustrations, from the bars packaging, to the truffles and hot cocoa packaging. This made me think about how I would incorporate the flavor illustrations upon the different 3D packaging structures. My focus group has helped me see how my target market appreciate simplicity rather than overly designed applications. With CBD especially, it's important to convey the legitimacy of its ingredients without compromising the design and losing the overall message. 

Another aspect of detail includes craft and having a high-level of design which includes variety in my visual system while still being consistent. Print, Social media, the app, and packaging look similar but have different applications. The 3 different packaging models (bars, boxed chocolate, and hot cocoa) utilize the visual system elements with subtle changes in colors and patterns while keeping the same information and typestyle. I've learned a lot about my visual system and I can see where it can evolve into future design applications. 

My Thesis journey has been a learning process and I think I will continue to expand on it after finishing it with AAU. I've created a set of materials that I think fit the 210 Confección brand and yet be open to other expansions in the CBD edibles line. Researching has helped me see what's outside my personal scope of CBD products and what's coming up in the CBD market. User testing has both solidified my thesis project visual system while also helping me see things from various perspectives (non-CBD consumers, regular customers, CBD business owner, etc.). As a designer, the research has helped me take CBD in San Antonio to a new level of a mystical vibe that is both trendy yet speaks to the medicinal quality of CBD. Creating illustrations for different aspects of my thesis project was both time-consuming yet fun, the end result was always worth it and elevated any element of the deliverables. 

I honestly wish things I could of had more time on my thesis, but I think it's because I have so much aspirations for my thesis that I sometimes look beyond the 4 deliverables. This semester has been quite challenging for me and my project. Despite this, my thesis project still accomplishes it's goal: branding CBD edibles to the San Antonio market in an interesting way using design.  

Updated App link:

 Process Journal:

Thesis Website:


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