
Showing posts from February, 2020

Thesis Concept 1: Module 3

With the Journey Map, I decided to refine it to reflect the process the user faces when using the website. I made the Journey Map more descriptive with simple icons. I noticed how many sub pages there are, which means they aren't fully fleshed out pages, but rather pop-ups which help streamline the buying process.  I decided to go with "210  Confección" for the name of the project's brand. I realized that I will also need to make a sub-brand for the products, but having a general brand is helpful. With sketching and comping the brand's logo, I'm trying to go with a detailed look but not too detailed where it won't translate to various sizes and medias. I'm a little stuck with the colors because I want it to be mature yet fun. 

Thesis Concept 1: Module 1

Module 1 I came up with the keywords by looking at images and pins I've saved and seeing what words describe them. Inspired by papel picado, I liked "Detailed" from last semester since I wanted to create something with high-quality, to appeal to an older audience (around 30 years old), and I think having a great attention to detail will achieve that. I also edited "bold" from last semester to "contrasting" since I believe that connects to the San Antonio vibe more and gives more room for design since contrasting can relate to color and mixed-media materials. For "dreamy," I wanted to be related to CBD product itself since it's a medicinal quality that  has a calming effect.These three keywords are intertwine with each other; providing an opportunity to create a more seamless design.  In this process, I realized how more ornate I'm wanting for the brand and deliverables. Last semester, I was looking at a more informal bold, poss

Thesis Concept 1: Module 2

For my persona I chose "Stephanie Martinez," because she's a San Antonio resident and she's looking for new CBD edibles products that aren't currently in the market. I tried to make as many steps as possible. One thing I wondered is how she would take CBD for insomnia with chocolate, and the timing of when she would take it for that. I'm sure it was fine taking it for the day since she is also stresses, but I'm going to be sure.  What I learned in this process is how intertwine my keywords are. When sketching logos, I realized that I didn't refer to my last keyword (dimensional) primarily because it's an idea I want for the overall packaging/branding system. Even though I found a few potential names, I'm a bit stuck since I realized while sketching that some of the names I chose are either too long or too imbalanced as a whole (ex: 210 Confection). For the name, I didn't want to go to specific like saying "candy," because I don