
Showing posts from September, 2020

Thesis 2: Module 3

This week, I created a new survey for my packaging design (Deliverable 4) and distributed it to various designer groups. I also sent more "flavors" surveys to people. With the packaging survey, I found a couple of good points such as how CBD information is highly important in both communication content and visualization. Color seems to be a big component to attract people to look at a product which I find interesting. I'm hoping to get more results before starting on sketching packaging ideas.  This week I also worked on typography and color palettes for Deliverable 1, which includes a few branding/business deliverables. I used the postcard and rewards card to test type and colors. I think the Prospectus Pro (many weights) font works well for the headers and Gotham for body copy. As for color palettes, I think the warmer color experimentations were quite intriguing but I think a balance of warm/cool colors are the strongest color schemes. 

Thesis 2: Module 2

This week,  I conducted a survey via Survey Monkey to see what flavors my focus group were into the questions were as follow:   1) Age? 2) What sweet foods do you associate with San Antonio? 3) What savory/salty foods do you associate with San Antonio? 4) What “trendy” flavors do you see in today’s candy/sweets market? 5) What sweet treats do you tend to indulge in? Unfortunately , I only got two results, but they were helpful in my research regardless.  I decided to focus on a mix between Mexican flavors, trendy flavors, and "normal" flavors. The list is still large, but I might as the focus group again about it.    I also updated the logo. I think it's almost there, but definitely an improvement when it comes to readability.  The website app got updated a bit as well, but I will probably make more progress once flavors are finalize and I work on the brand's copy/voice in Module 3. I mainly focused on the "smokey" shape and how it could be re-worked to fit

Thesis 2: Module 1

Thesis 2: Activity / User Testing Research Methods Identify three possible research methods, and briefly outline why you think each technique may work. Give feedback and suggestions to your classmates on their plans. Turn your post(s) into a  process blog  entry and post a live link to this entry by the end of this module. Although "Focus Group" is one of the research methods in  Universal Methods of Design, I am going to use my focus group as participants for the below research methods: 1) Questionnaire: This one can extend past my focus group to other people to answer in a convenient way. I can provide questions with either multiple questions, open ended, or both — all of which will help me get an in-depth knowledge of people's feelings/experiences with my products or others like mine in the market today. 2) Prototyping: This will primarily be for the updated app deliverable. I think having a hands-on experience for the app will help the focus group members connect wit