
Showing posts from October, 2020

Thesis 2: Module 7

This week I updated my Deliverable 1(Branding), 3 (app),  4 (packaging), and tightening up the visual system. During this process, I have learned a few things such as having a general look for each of my packaging elements. For example, I really thought about how do the Chocolate bars will look compared to the Hot Cocoa. My visual system has developed well, especially compared to Thesis 1. I have more of an idea on what elements to use and how. When I was creating the front cover of the packaging, I was creating new (but similar) elements that I can incorporate into other deliverables. I still need to hone in on color and how to distribute it throughout the packaging system. I also think there's opportunity to incorporate a bit more of "Texas" into the branding. There's still exploration needed and I'm hoping I'll garner more insight when I do the user testing.  I plan to conduct my user testing during Module 9. I decided to user test my visual system design f

Thesis 2: Module 6

This week I did a few updates on the branding elements and incorporated them into my app. I'm still working on the product listing and details, but I think it's getting closer. I plan to finish the app this coming week and have my focus group test it out by the end of the week.  With the logo, I took out the starry pattern on top and instead used a sunburst; similar to how the logo was originally.  I also mocked-up a few of the business system items and will continue to do so for next week. I plan for all of my prototypes to be comped via Photoshop. For the punch card, I might need to get creative with my photoshop skills to show that the card is punched out.  I do have a question about comping in regards to the Thesis process book: Do the final prototypes/mockups need to be in the Thesis process book as well? What I learned during this process is that there is a lot I need to do and I'm at a crossroads with my product's packaging or even sub-brand for their look. When

Thesis 2: Module 5

This week I refined my visual system and the visual guideline. I also briefly worked on packaging sketches. I do think that sketching a few ideas did help me visualize how much information I need to gather for my products; so that is something I'm going to be gathering such as labels (organic, recyclable, barcode) and detailed copy like ingredients list and Nutrition Facts. I did some research on CBD isolate in standard edibles and placed the milligrams on my flavors list.  For my deliverables, I want to have a user testing session with my focus group from last semester. I plan to send them the link to my app and also send them a video of me using it just in case the app isn't compatible for them (this happened last time).  I think this method will work because it will give me perspective on users who are familiar with my project and the app from last semester.  I might do another survey with my graphic design peers to test out certain areas of the app or to get opinion on cert

Thesis 2: Module 4

This week I narrowed down my flavors. For deliverable 4, I decided for the chocolate CBD bars to be the focus  while the other components (truffles and hot cocoa), be secondary. Because of this the bars will have the most flavors and be available in a gift set.  I also did some further color studies and narrowed it down. It's pretty much the same, but I try to focus more on distributing the primary colors predominantly. I was originally organizing my thesis book chronologically, but after reading the module 4 material, I decided to arrange it to deliverables. For example, the branding would go first, showing the process of the logo and the proceeding  branding materials. I'm attaching the "visual system" section; which I'm still working on. I have a "photography" placeholder, but I'm not sure if that area is needed since I'll be using Adobe Dimension for packaging display. I also realized that I may need other background ideas/patterns that are d