Thesis 2: Module 7
This week I updated my Deliverable 1(Branding), 3 (app), 4 (packaging), and tightening up the visual system. During this process, I have learned a few things such as having a general look for each of my packaging elements. For example, I really thought about how do the Chocolate bars will look compared to the Hot Cocoa. My visual system has developed well, especially compared to Thesis 1. I have more of an idea on what elements to use and how. When I was creating the front cover of the packaging, I was creating new (but similar) elements that I can incorporate into other deliverables. I still need to hone in on color and how to distribute it throughout the packaging system. I also think there's opportunity to incorporate a bit more of "Texas" into the branding. There's still exploration needed and I'm hoping I'll garner more insight when I do the user testing. I plan to conduct my user testing during Module 9. I decided to user test my visual system design f...