Thesis 2: Module 11

 This week I prepared for my upcoming user testing, which includes: updating app, collecting questions, and gathering testers. Since it's a holiday week, I'm having issues gathering testers. I have at least 3 people scheduled. To combat this, I plan to create an online user testing quiz via survey monkey where there will be a link to the app prototype and accompanying questions. Hopefully I'll get more hits this way. 

I also updated the packaging and figured out ways to distinguish each flavor and each type of CBD chocolate available (bars, truffles, hot cocoa). I did this without making the system too colorful and wild. 

For hot cocoa, they will be in packets, contained in a square tin. The truffles will be in a box; which will have lid with a window to peak into the chocolates. The truffles will be full-spectrum CBD, which means it will have a low dose of THC.

Adobe XD App Prototype:

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Cannabidiol Confections

Cannabidiol (CBD) is made from the non-psychoactive part of cannabis with. People use CBD as an “all-natural” remedy for common ailments such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, nausea, inflammation, pain, seizures and more. “Edibles” are the most popular form of consumption taken due to flavor and convenience. However, the CBD market in San Antonio Texas, is largely neglected and afflicted by the lack of access to new products and retail outlets. I plan to use design to create opportunities for new products and increase access to CBD edibles in Texas.


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