Thesis 3: Module 1

This week, I did some minor edits on some of the Thesis 2 materials. I also updated the design of my Materials Matrix and DS chart to suit the brand more.

Next week, in Module 2, I plan to have a user testing session with my cousin who is a CBD store owner in San Antonio. I want to get his insight on my deliverables and to make sure I have the pertinent information on the packaging. I recently learned new things about CBD from him, like the existence of "broad spectrum" CBD, which I will include as the Hot Chocolate Line.  

I’m also going to work on the final deliverable designs, which are the social media ads. So far I’ve got a moodboard for those and a general idea how I want to market the products. Looking back now, I'm wondering if I should add a couple more ads for discount offers.

Although my Gantt chart primarily says to "refine," I'm there's is still plenty to do and fix in all my deliverables.




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