
Showing posts from November, 2020

Thesis 2: Module 12

This week, I conducted my user testing for my app. Unfortunately, due to the holiday, I only managed to get two people. However, they did provide great feedback on things I didn't consider before. For example, the inclusion of product descriptors for "Charms" (chocolate truffles) and "Brews" (Hot Cocoa). When I was importing my user testing results in my process book, I realized I did have a lot of good outside feedback on my project this semester. I do think that I will conduct further user testing, via survey like how I did earlier in the semester, but during break. I also plan to get insight from my cousin who is a CBD shop own in San Antonio, TX.  I updated my app, bar packaging, and did some sketches for the other two packaging products. I'm hoping to have computer roughs next week of the remaining two products. I put a gold star by the ones I liked the most, but any feedback is appreciated.  App link is below, you might have to copy the link and paste

Thesis 2: Module 11

 This week I prepared for my upcoming user testing, which includes: updating app, collecting questions, and gathering testers. Since it's a holiday week, I'm having issues gathering testers. I have at least 3 people scheduled. To combat this, I plan to create an online user testing quiz via survey monkey where there will be a link to the app prototype and accompanying questions. Hopefully I'll get more hits this way.  I also updated the packaging and figured out ways to distinguish each flavor and each type of CBD chocolate available (bars, truffles, hot cocoa). I did this without making the system too colorful and wild.  For hot cocoa, they will be in packets, contained in a square tin. The truffles will be in a box; which will have lid with a window to peak into the chocolates. The truffles will be full-spectrum CBD, which means it will have a low dose of THC. Adobe XD App Prototype: * * * Can

Thesis 2: Module 10

This week I edited my CBD edibles bar packaging and did 4 options. I chose a more appropriate color to represent each flavor and stuck with a simple color palette. I personally like the first 2 color options and I think the finishes (whether it be metallic, flow, emboss or other) will help elevate the packaging more.  I plan to do a survey on packaging this week; similar to how I did the initial one in the beginning of the semester. For my app, I plan to meet with my focus group, and hopefully a few more people to test it out. Does the user testing need to be done before Module 12 or can it be during that week? Just checking. Either way, I plan to have it done in the appropriate timeframe.  I'm a little unsure how to put together a user testing report. I put in a summary last week for the one I did for Deliverable 1/Visual system, but I don't know if that's a good format for the next round.  The most useful thing I learned this module is the importance of documentation and

Thesis 2: Module 9

This week I did updates on my business system and packaging. Also, I did my User Testing with my focus group which comprises of 3 people who are San Antonians in my target demographic. What is helpful is that they all have had experiences with CBD and one of them is a Pagan so it was interesting getting all their insight.  Overall, the group liked my visual system and appreciate the subtle Texas/spiritual design. They said it was calming, something CBD also attributes to, which I didn't intend to do, but it was interesting to hear. There's a few imagery symbols that I designed that are unknowingly "Texas."Another aspect, which a user pointed out was the stars and how the stars not only represent a spiritual/witchy vibe, but how it represents Texas and the famous lyric from the song "Deep in the Heart of Texas" where they say "the stars at night are big and bright." I asked about the packaging, and they seemed to like the one where the logo is promi

Thesis 2: Module 8

This week I did some updates on module 7's work. I experimented with Adobe Dimension and created the event sign in an environment. I incorporated a couple of subtle "Texas" elements which I might change around depending on feedback from this week's user testing.  I'm a bit unsure about the outdoor photo I used since I'm not sure if it's "San Antonio" enough. However, I'm not sure if there's any events happening downtown nowadays to take pictures.  I plan to have my user testing done this week with my focus group from this thesis journey. I'm going to do this via zoom; giving them the visual system ahead of time and to discuss on a given date later this week. I may also include and previews of rough packaging and app to send them . When it comes to affordances, I want to create a positive user experience with all of the deliverables. With the app, I want to create and easy and thoughtful buying experience not seen in typical CBD sites.