Thesis 2: Module 12
This week, I conducted my user testing for my app. Unfortunately, due to the holiday, I only managed to get two people. However, they did provide great feedback on things I didn't consider before. For example, the inclusion of product descriptors for "Charms" (chocolate truffles) and "Brews" (Hot Cocoa). When I was importing my user testing results in my process book, I realized I did have a lot of good outside feedback on my project this semester. I do think that I will conduct further user testing, via survey like how I did earlier in the semester, but during break. I also plan to get insight from my cousin who is a CBD shop own in San Antonio, TX. I updated my app, bar packaging, and did some sketches for the other two packaging products. I'm hoping to have computer roughs next week of the remaining two products. I put a gold star by the ones I liked the most, but any feedback is appreciated. App link is below, you might have to copy the link and paste ...